Yu the Great Controls the Floods

In ancient China, there was a time when the Yellow River and its tributaries flooded the land, causing great destruction and suffering for the people. The floods were so severe that they devastated crops, destroyed homes, and led to loss of life. The ruler at that time, Emperor Yao, was deeply concerned about the plight of his people and sought a solution to the rampant flooding.

The Challenge

Emperor Yao called upon various leaders and engineers to address the flooding. Many tried to control the water by building dikes and dams, but these efforts were mostly ineffective. The floods continued to wreak havoc. Frustrated but determined, Emperor Yao appointed a man named Gun (鲧), Dayu’s father, to tackle the problem.

Gun’s Efforts

Gun initially attempted to contain the water by constructing dikes and barriers. However, his approach was ineffective, as the waters continued to overflow. Despite his good intentions, Gun’s methods did not solve the flooding issue. Ultimately, Emperor Yao was displeased with Gun’s failure and decided to execute him.

Dayu’s Commitment

After Gun’s death, his son, Dayu, took on the challenge of controlling the floods. Dayu was determined to succeed where his father had failed. He took a different approach from Gun’s methods. Instead of trying to confine the water, Dayu focused on understanding the rivers’ natural flow and working with it.

Dayu traveled extensively, studying the geography and topography of the flooded regions. He identified the river systems and the terrain, seeking the best ways to channel the water. He innovated techniques to divert water into the sea, digging channels and using natural land features to guide the flow.

The Trials

Dayu worked tirelessly for years, often at great personal sacrifice. According to legend, he was so dedicated that he passed by his home three times without stopping to see his family. His mother, concerned about his well-being, even remarked on his dedication, which exemplified his commitment to his mission.


Through his persistent efforts and innovative methods, Dayu eventually succeeded in controlling the floods. His work not only protected the land but also brought prosperity to the people. Dayu’s techniques laid the foundation for future water management in China, earning him the title of “Yu the Great.”


After his success, Dayu was appointed as the ruler of the Xia Dynasty, which he founded. His story symbolizes resilience, hard work, and selflessness. He is revered as a hero in Chinese culture, and his legacy continues to be celebrated, particularly in the context of water management and environmental stewardship.

Dayu’s story is not just a tale of overcoming natural disasters; it reflects deep cultural values of duty, sacrifice, and the importance of harmony between humanity and nature.

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